Workshop update – pen organisation and disassembly

Workshop update – pen organisation and disassembly.

Have been turning some different pens recently and found that I didn’t know what blanks I had worked on; the plastic drawers as below are good to keep kits and bushings in but also including blanks was a bit messy.   


I saw something similar the the stand below on Instagram and thought it was good as you can see the quantity for each type. Looks a bit fuller now plus I need to add additional categories; a bit scary seeing all the types of kits and bushings I have.

Unfortunately now I have a problem with keeping track of the kits I have as I have more pen types than drawers available. 


A while ago I bought a punch set to disassemble pens but found that I couldn’t hold the pens tight enough  to remove but not too tight that would damage them.   

Just received this clamp from PSI to hold blanks when disassembling, works great. 

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