Current Cubby House Turners Woodies club newsletter below. Not a lot happening in this months newsletter although good to see that the show and tell is featuring more woodworking items. [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”2017-04 Cubbyhouse news April 17″]
Author: Gary
I appear in Shire Woodworking April newsletter showing my cat scratcher!
I appear in Shire Woodworking April newsletter below on page 9 showing my cat scratcher with a small commentary. Good mix the newsletter as usual with photos from the latest toy delivery of 319 toys and other items to the Sydney Children’s Hospital Randwick. Good turnout for the last maxi-day show and tell, always quite a […]
Workshop update – I had too much wood!
I found I had a typical small shop woodworkers problem, too much wood! It snuck up on me as I picked up some wood here and there until some of the loose pieces got in my way. I then looked at my wood rack (as shown below) and it was full so something had to […]
The Cubby House Turners Woodies Inc – March 2017 Newsletter
Current Cubby House Turners Woodies club newsletter below. The club is getting more into general woodworking which is good; a good article by Trevor Naylor regarding his experience during a mini day using a Gifkin boxmaking jig. Very mixed bag of show and tell entries; starting to get more general woodworking entries which is encouraging. […]
Shire Woodworking Club still haven’t sold my toy garage!
My 2015 plank competition entry of a toy garage that I finally finished last year was on sale at the Sutherland Seniors Festival in Sydney on the 8th March; visible in the photo on the front page of the March newsletter below. One of the male members showed additional skills by winning the cake baking […]

How to sell your items; my experience getting setup with Etsy.
I decided to finally try and sell some items and get my Etsy online store operational and hopefully get some return on investment! I had installed WooCommerce on this website and added in all the required Widgets including PayPal and even added an item to test but found the maintenance was a pain. I had previously […]
The Cubby House Turners Woodies Inc – February 2017 Newsletter
Current club newsletter below. Merv Larsson was a deserving winner of the “best of the best 2016″ with his impressive looking weather station and clock. Merv joined the club around the same time as me quite a few years ago and has gone from strength to strength; helps that he was a toolmaker by […]
Shire Woodworking Club – Plank Competition Changed To Toymaking Plank Competition & February Newsletter
The annual Shire Woodworking Club Plank competition has now been changed to the Toymaking Plank Competition with half a previous plank. I wasn’t at the meetings where the rules were changed but it is a major shift as evidenced by the previous winning entries shown in the newsletter below on page 5. Another major change is […]